2025 Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday Night Classes at Christ’s Chapel

Tuesday (7PM)

Tuesday Nights in 2025 features a ‘Fire Bible New Testament Study’ for men and women, beginning on January 7th.

Wednesday (6:30PM)

Our Mid-Week services in 2025 offer four specific classes. Also, on Wednesday nights, there is nursery care (newborn – preschool) and kids and student ministry K – 12th grade.

1. Sanctuary Class: Pastor Terry leads this class that features an interactive study of scripture focusing on ‘The 40 Most Challenging Teachings of Jesus’ along with an in-depth dialogue of the ‘The Top 40 Bible Stores of All Time’ that is featured on Sunday mornings. Class begins on January 15th.

2. Marriage and Family Class: Pastor Tyler and Traci Crowder are leading our ‘Marriage and Family’ track at Christ’s Chapel. Every person has a family and family history. And our families shape us in every area of life. Regardless of what kind of family you grew up in, and no matter what your family looks like today, you are invited to a study called Habits of the Household on Wednesday nights and assist in developing this expanding marriage and family ministry. This specific class meets in the Students Ministry Center (SMC), beginning January 29th.

3. Interactive Bible Study: Pastor Craig leads this interactive bible study that covers the fundamentals of Christianity with practical insights for day-to-day life. This class meets in SM1 and begins on January 15th.

4. Family Small Group: Pastor Jason and Melissa Wolf offer a family-style small group study that engages both adults and children in the same setting, engaging in conversation and activities that involve everyone. This class meets in our education wing, classroom #2, and begins January 15th.

Thursday (7PM)

‘Celebrate Recovery Step Studies’ are emotional healing support groups for men and women. The new groups will begin on January 16th and will continue to meet weekly on Thursdays throughout the calendar year of 2025.

Specific guidelines are followed to create an atmosphere of safety, honesty, and transparency without judgment.

These weekly support groups provide opportunities for healing from past emotional hurts and freedom from habits or hangups that may be hindering spiritual growth. The step study books used for step studies follow the same roadmap Jesus introduced in the beatitudes found in Matthew 5:1-12.

If you are looking for a safe place to heal and grow with others, make your plans to attend. Please see Pastor Raeford Moore or Pastor Danielle Barth for more information.